Memo: Blue Jobs and the Green New Deal

By Bren Smith, Johnny Bowman and Ayana Elizabeth Johnson, Ph.D.

Contributor: Noah Oppenheim

Executive Producer: Greg Carlock

Executive Summary

  • Oceans have absorbed around 30 percent of anthropogenic carbon and seafood is the number one source of animal protein in the world. By unleashing the potential of our waters, we can curb climate change while creating jobs.

  • Fishermen see the effects of climate change every day. Sixty-five percent of fishermen believe climate change could leave them ‘unable to profit’ and ultimately ‘forced out’ of their fishery. Of those surveyed, two-thirds identified as “moderate” or “conservative.

  • A Green New Deal should include reforms in three specific policy areas – ocean habitat restoration, community based fisheries and restorative ocean farming – which will shift the ocean from a resource in crisis to a powerful tool for mitigating climate change and transforming our food system.