Memo: Voters Support Federal Investments to Improve Household Energy Efficiency

By Danielle Deiseroth


President Biden campaigned and won on a Build Back Better agenda to make much-needed investments in American infrastructure, create new jobs to help Americans recover from the coronavirus economic downturn, and address systemic environmental injustices. A major component of Biden’s campaign plan to modernize and decarbonize American infrastructure is creating at least 1 million new jobs over the next four years to upgrade 4 million buildings and weatherize 2 million homes. In their new report, Economic Recovery Begins at Home: Retrofitting US Housing Stock for Jobs, Health, Savings, and the Climate, Evergreen Collaborative and the Roosevelt Institute outline a policy roadmap for President Biden to fulfill his campaign promise to create jobs while making American homes safer, more sustainable, and more energy-efficient. 

As part of a recent national survey, Data for Progress assessed the attitudes of likely voters toward several policies outlined in Economic Recovery Begins at Home, including ensuring household weatherization and energy efficiency investments are priorities of new infrastructure legislation, investing in retrofitting and upgrading American homes, and expanding access to federal utility assistance programs.