Memo: Pandemic Preparedness Is the Most Popular Provision the HELP Committee Is Considering

By Gabriel Bankman-Fried and Ethan Winter

As part of an August survey of 1,227 likely voters nationally, Guardians Against Pandemics and Data for Progress tested attitudes towards the proposals the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) are now considering including in the $3.5 trillion reconciliation package. 

We find that pandemic preparedness is both the most popular policy the HELP committee is currently considering, as well as the policy likely voters see as most important. Furthermore, applying a slight means-tests to some of the policies HELP is considering modestly increases support for these proposals.

Of the proposals tested, the most popular is pandemic preparedness, backed by a +60-point margin. In addition, we find that placing a $75,000 means-test for families headed by two-people, increases support for the pre-K and community college proposals by plus-three-points, on net.